To conduct my needs analysis I undertook informal interviews with the two coaches I work alongside and a sample of the participants. The coaches were interviewed together, however the students were interviewed individually due to the possibility of social exclusion within the club. The results for the needs analysis would not be reliable if the members found it hard to communicate with the coach during sessions because a large proportion of the group are very outspoken, which leads onto the first weakness of the group.
A minority of the group have low confidence and become anxious before and during performance. Another psychological issue that needs addressing is eating disorders within the group as there is one particular participant who has struggled with performance and been in danger of extreme health issues. As a coach I believe it is important to concentrate on amending issues such as eating disorders even though it isn’t a technical problem a coach can focus on within the club.
There are also two technical weaknesses; the first being heavy feet, the children are not light on their feet which is key to being able to sprint at a consistent, fast pace. Secondly, the position of the arms when executing the sprint need to be at ninety degrees, this is essential to generate short bursts of power to provide speed.
- Low confidence/Self esteem
- Eating disorder
- Heavy Feet
- 90 degree arms
- Building up speed within 100m
- focusing on the finish
- listening during coaching points